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Temporary Walls for Hospitals and Healthcare

Hospitals & Healthcare

Wall panels meet ASTM E84 Class A fire rating

Healthcare construction or renovations require temporary barriers to meet the ASTM E-84 Class A requirement. SwiftWall reusable wall systems are tested and listed as meeting ASTM E-84 Class A performance for smoke and flame spread.


In most cases, as per ASHE’s NFPA 241 guidelines, a non-one-hour fire-rated temporary separation wall system is permitted when there is a working sprinkler system in place. NFPA 241 allows non-rated walls and opening protectives when a sprinkler system is installed.

If the renovated area has a sprinkler system installed, then the separation wall can be non-rated. We recommend getting approval for this configuration from your AHJ in buildings that are not fully sprinkler protected.


Furthermore, if the sprinkler system needs to be deactivated for any reason, a fire watch protocol must be put in place until such time as the sprinkler system is working again. In these instances, SwiftWall is an excellent temporary barrier per ASHE’s NFPA 241 guidelines.

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Various Projects

San Diego VA Hospital
Cleveland Clinic Hospital
St. Bernardine Hospital
UCSD Hospital
Johns Hopkins
Henry Ford Hospital
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